

S.No Description Weblink
1. Taylor Francis Cogent Open Access Journals VIEW
2. Directory of Open Access Journals VIEW
3. Taylor & Francis VIEW
4. Computational Linguistics (MIT)26 (2000) TO Current VIEW
5. Sankhya(Indian Statistical Institute)1993 to Current full Text & special Issues 2005 onwards VIEW
6. Articles by Nobel Prize Laureates -2012 VIEW
7. Public Library of Science: VIEW
8. Medknow Publications publishing on behalf of learned societies and associations. VIEW
9. Indian Council of Medical Research VIEW
10. ADB Review 31 (1997) Onwards VIEW
11. Andhra Pradesh Monthly VIEW
12. International Journal of Educational Sciences VIEW
13. International Journal of Human Genetics VIEW
14. Journal of Agricultural Sciences VIEW
15. Journal of Biodiversity VIEW
16. Journal of Communication VIEW
17. Journal of Economics VIEW
18. Journal of History and Archaeology VIEW
29. Journal of Human Biology VIEW
20. Journal of Human Ecology VIEW
21. Journal of Intelligence and Security Issues VIEW
22. Journal of Life Sciences VIEW
23. Journal of Psychology VIEW
24. Journal of Social Sciences VIEW
25. Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology VIEW
26. Mathematics Seminar VIEW
27. Studies on Ethno-Medicine VIEW
28. Studies on Home and Community Science VIEW
29. Studies of Tribes and Tribals VIEW
30. The Anthropologist VIEW
31. The Journal of Biology VIEW
32. The Journal of Genetics VIEW
33. Academic Journals (Science, Art, Education, Legal) VIEW
34. Advances in production Engineering and Management VIEW
35. AERA (Education) VIEW
36. AgEcon (Agriculture and Applied Economics) VIEW
37. AGRICOLA (Agriculture) VIEW
38. Arnetminer VIEW
39. arXiv (Physics, Math, Computer Science, Biology) VIEW
40. ASCE (Civil Engineering) VIEW
41. Bioline International (Health and Medicine) VIEW
42. BioMedCentral (Biomedical, Medicine,Biology &Biotechnology) VIEW
43. Chemistry Central (Chemistry) VIEW
44. CogPrints VIEW
45. DBLP (Comp.Sc. Bibliography) VIEW
46. DIRLINE (Health Information) VIEW
47. DOAJ (Dirctory of Open access Journal) Multi-disciplinary VIEW
48. Educational Technology & Society VIEW
49. Electronic Journal Library VIEW
50. ERIC (Education Resources Information Centre) VIEW
51. Free Medical Journals VIEW
52. HighWire (Life sciences, medicine, physical and social sciences.) VIEW
53. Index Translation (Literature in translation) VIEW
54. Ingentaconnect (Multi-disciplinary) VIEW
55. Journal of Digital Information VIEW
56. MedlinePlus (Medical science) VIEW
57. Nature.com (Multi-disciplinary) VIEW
58. Open J-Gate VIEW
59. PubMed (Medical Science) VIEW
60. SPIE (Optics and Photonics) VIEW
61. Strategian (Multi disciplinary) VIEW
62. The Collection of Computer science Bibliography VIEW